Leadership Coaching


Leadership Coaching

wow! that was life changing
— a recent client at the end of our first coaching session - March 2022

Coaching done well is life changing.

I am dedicated to creating a deep connection with my clients. This connection between us, and your ardent desire to learn and grow are the critical ingredients for a powerful coaching relationship.

Coaching is about helping you to see new and smart ways to use your strengths, attention and energy so that you can create more of the life at work you want.

My clients achieve results across many or all of these areas:

  • Leading and thriving during change

  • Making successful role and career transitions

  • Leading, influencing and motivating others

  • Managing and responding to challenging group dynamics

  • Managing and influencing upwards and navigating internal politics

  • Operating in an uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment

  • Prioritising competing work demands

  • Simultaneously managing career and life changes at home


My coaching partnerships are successful because they are founded on trust and courage.

I have unconditional positive regard for my clients. I have no agenda other than serving you powerfully - you can trust that I am always on your side.

In my coaching partnerships I encourage people to connect with their courage and go places they’ve not been before. I will challenge your thinking and stimulate your creativity. I will support you to examine your behaviours so you can see more clearly how these manifest within the systems in which you operate. I will show you mind strengthening tools and techniques for dealing with situations and managing yourself more effectively. I will give you encouragement and build your confidence.

The value and the success we create in this partnership together is directly proportional to the level of courage and commitment you bring to this work.

I bring heartfelt care and incisive insight to create a valuable depth to our connection – making it easier to hold the space for reflection and profound or difficult conversations.

We work together to bring to light your aspirations and intentions and design actions and enduring changes to honour these.

Every client relationship is unique.

Sometimes my clients have a sense of ‘moving at the wrong speed’: either they feel like they’re stuck and going too slow, and so we may decide to focus our coaching conversations towards action, or else if they feel overstretched, burned out and moving too fast, the coaching can offer vital thinking space and time for reflection.

At our first session together I will partner with you in a thought-provoking conversation so we can design the coaching assignment according to your individual needs.


You are more likely to succeed in developing new skills and habits if you have my coaching support in defining and working towards your goals.  Through our work together you can expect to find:

  • space to reflect and experience expansive perspective and insight

  • clarity around your aspirations and direction

  • intentional and inspirational leadership presence

  • increased confidence and ability to make changes

  • more conscious and effective communication

  • increased ability to diffuse stress and conflict

  • improved ability to moderate unintended responses or behaviours

These attributes provide you an overall improved leadership performance quality, as well as greater levels of energy, happiness and effectiveness at work.

My expertise is drawn from a range of perspectives including leadership theory, psychology, neuroscience and coaching approaches, underpinned by formal qualifications in business (MPA) and Leadership Coaching (ILM and CMI) as well as my deep learning and commitment to mindfulness and meditation tools and techniques.

I am experienced and skilled in coaching leaders to work through challenges and transform their learning into results for their organisation, as well as working with senior managers as they prepare for more significant leadership roles.  

My clients don’t come from any particular field or industry, but they are all inspirational and fiercely motivated to create change in their lives.


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Begin it now.
— Goethe